
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Poor Pooping Levi!

Oh, my God, my mom is ruining Levi! Three nights in a row she got her head lost in her keyboard and completely missed his very weak-but-still-there attempts to use mental telepathy on her. So he did the next best thing a puppy in poop distress could do. He did his job in front of the door. Mom bawled herself out up one side and down the other but if she doesn't learn to pay attention soon poor Levi is going to need a doggie shrink to undo our mother's failings.

To make matters worse, two times in the past few days he's pooped on the deck instead of in the dog yard. That's Mom's fault too. She gave my baby brother too much access to the deck. That deck is huge, wrapping two sides of the house so Dad can take his wheelchair out there from three different rooms of the house. Until last week Mom was limiting Levi to one end of the deck using a lattice work barrier to contain him. But she used that lattice to line the picket fence to keep Levi from doing another Houdini escape.

Too much deck freedom or not, it's not as if my brother wasn't being supervised outside. Sort of. Mom's been faithfully sitting out there with him but when Levi pooped on the deck she was lost in the Marley and Me book. Yup, while reading about the antics and misdeeds of Marley the Labrador retriever our own puppy was having a major melt down because he couldn't find the steps down off the deck to the dog yard. Levi needs to learn to turn his mental telepathy up a notch when he's asking for help and Mom needs to quit being an airhead.

Jason, my angel brother up here with me, says Mom raised three other puppies who turned out just fine and I have to have more faith that she'll shape up before she ends up creating a permanent problem. But I'm wondering if Jason remembers how one-tracked and lost in another world Mom gets when she reading and writing. It's been a long time since he lived on earth with her plus she's seventeen older now.

I also confided in Jason that I'm a little worried Levi might be a tad slow at catching on to how life and bodily functions work. He laughed at that one and reminded me that I was nearly three years old before I figured out farting. Whenever I'd do it I'd take off running as if the devil himself was giving me a rectal exam with his pitch fork. All our canine pals up here the bridge who heard Jason tell that story had a good laugh over that one. ©


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Cooper...Mumsie laughed herself silly over your last couple of posts...

Bloggin' is good for the soul and disasterous for housebreaking puppies...our rug has been peed on more times when Mumsie was lost in cyberspace than she can count. And we've gotten into more trouble when she's not payin' attention...it's fab!!!!!

Sounds like Levi has a sensitive side to him...Babystan gets his feelins' hurt easily too...not me or Scruff...NO WAY!! Specially Scruffy...his deeds during puppyhood were amazing...he was TRULY HORRIBLE...no social conscience at all...

And as for you runnin' from ur farts...sounds actually pretty efficient. If ya smelled some of the fumes around here.....


Pee Ess I think Mumsie said she's replaced the throw rug in the kitchen 8 times to get through 3 puppies in the last 2 years...we're done with that stage now, but it was fun while it lasted!!!

Abby said...

Hi, Cooper...

Don't worry, I'm sure your Mom & Levi will figure it out pretty soon...

I've been here two years & my Mom still doesnt' understand sometimes...The humans can take a while to be trained...

My Cousin Rosco runs away from his farts, too...It's funny...

Abby xxxooo

Randi said...

Hi Cooper & Levi! Nice to meet you! My mom/secretary loves the Marley & Me book too...I couldnt' get her attention at all FOR DAYS when she was reading it...

Running from farties? Wow! My big brother Dublin used to do that! He'd scare himself silly! He's at the bridge now..but he was a big boy! 135 pounds! So you can imagine his tooties from his bum were massive!

Love & Licks,

The Airechicks said...

Hello Cooper -

Do you know Elvis - no not the King of Rockin Roll but Airedale Elvis????? He's our angel brother...

Please tell Levi - Mom will be trained in her own time when she is good and ready .....Until then he might need to ring a bell or something subtile like that....


Georgeous said...

Hi Cooper,
poor Levi, I don't think he needs to turn up the telepathy dial, I think the pupdar needs adjusting - is that something you can influence from the bridge, you know, send poopy picture's into your Mum's mind?
My Mum said she had a message from the bridge when I moved here, it was some advise from her Reg, telling her what she needed to do with me. Good luck there buddy.
Love & Georgeousness

the many Bs said...

oh that's a funny story about the farting. Brody can totally relate cuz he's such a farter himself.

we think your mom and Levi are doing just fine. it takes some time for dogs to fully learn all of the potty lessons. our mom says that potty lessons are hard and complicated, yet it's the first thing we have to know. it just takes time and patience. we know little Levi will get it and your mom will be just fine with him.

we're still chuckling about the farts. we sure wish Brody would run outside BEFORE he farts. hee hee.


parlance said...

Cooper, that's such a funny story about the farting.

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
It's hard to be a mom sometimes especially when computers are close at hand and there are wonderful books to read. Levi sounds like he's an amazing puppy and to poop right by the door shows he is learning.
It's good to hear about your loving concern for Levi and it's always wonderful to read your posts.

Petra said...

I like to poop in our landscaping rocks instead of going in the grass like most dogs. That's about as bad as going on the deck!

Charlie Daniels said...

Hi. Thanks for visiting me - I like to make new friends. If it's okay with you, I think I would like to come back and visit you again soon ...



i said...

Don't worry, it's just some frequency problem hehe...Both Levi and mommy need to be more tuned to each other hehe.

Dandy Duke said...

Levi is still so young! Give him more time! Patience is the key!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Oh nooo!! At my last house when I didn't have a dog door, I would poop on the floor right next to the stairs 'cause my human couldn't get to me soon enough. Are you sure that you wouldn't like for my human to send you some door bells for Levi to ring when he's gotta go poo or pee for that matter? I have 2, but never used them. Infact they are still in the bags and in the box.

Just say the word and they are yours!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Charlie Daniels said...

Hi again. Thanks for the link from you blog. There is one going from my place to yours now too!



Princess Patches said...

We've gotten into lots of trouble, through the years, when Mom wasn't paying attention. Eventually, your mom and Levi will get it figured out! The only one, here, that actually goes to the door is Patches. Mom has to read our minds when I, Poppy or Penny want to go out. It took her a while, but she finally figured out our signals.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Latte said...

Well... I guess that's little pups doing what they're good at, pooping and messing around... hehe... I did that too, lots of it. No worries, I'm sure you'll be housebroken soon :)


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Cooper,
We still have problems with pooping and widdling girldales inside the house. My sisters are notorious for it. I guess the pinkies are just too busy to keep an eye on them.
We Levi will get there eventually, though I don't think my sissies will....sigh.

Thanks for stopping by our blog. It's nice to meet you and we'll come back again.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Dewey Dewster said...

Cooper...don't ya worry about Levi there...he's still such a little guy, he can't possibly know all about the bathroom rules yet....but the hoomans do make things worse when they get lost in their own little world. We still have accidents around here at times..when the doggie door is open and available, it makes things so much better for everyone...

Dewey Dewster here.....

Willow the Black Dale said...

Oh please don't worry about the poo and pee thing. My sister Pilar is almost 4 and still has some of those problems. Only....she does it when everyone is sleeping. Or when she is mad. She too will go on the deck (is that a Michigan thing?) unless my mom stands at the door and makes her go to the potty yard!!!! I have trained my hoomans....she has trained them to be nuts about this bodily function thing!!

Loved the fart story!!! teehee

happy days,

pee ees....finally a sunny day with NO storms. ENJOY!!!

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
Hi Levi and Cooper,
Just dropping by to say hello and see how you are doing.