Levi's not a hell raiser like I was at his age, but he's inquisitive and he likes my old toys that mom washed up for him. My humans also gave him the new bed that Mom
bought for me a few months before I came to doggie heaven and wouldn't use. She ended up digging my old one back out of the trash. But I digress. Little Levi took right to the new bed and uses it for a playpen. He hasn't it figured out how dogs are supposed to sleep in beds. Most of the time he hangs half in and half out.

Levi is doing well with Dad's wheelchair. He isn't afraid of it like some older dogs are. He's already found the short cut underneath and he's learning to 'sit' when Dad transfers. Little Levi likes the tags on the chair's cushion, though, and he got his first "No!" reprimand for chewing on them. Something tells me he's going to get a lot more of those before he grows up because Levi's not going to be allowed up on all the furniture like I was. He's only going to be allowed up in Dad's Laz-Z-Boy when the two of them take naps. Levi's been up there already for several short bonding sessions, with Mom close by to make sure he didn't jump down and hurt himself.

My folks were happy that little Levi's first night in his new home went well. He didn't cry or make a fuss when he had to stay in the laundry room. He didn't even cry when he woke up before Mom and Dad. He just played with his toys and used his puppy pad. The only real problem Levi is having is learning to walk on a leash. He plants his butt down on the floor, locks his front legs stiff and pulls backwards with all his might. But I know our mom; she's stubborn, too, and she'll get my little brother leash broke. Otherwise he'll miss out on all the fun stuff in an earth dog's life.
Tomorrow Levi gets his first visit to the veterinarian's office so that he can get

Hi there Levi! Welcome to your new home & welcome to Dogs With Blogs! So nice to meet you. Cooper is not in heaven & he's probably smiling down on you right now. You're gonna have a great life with your new hoomans. Hope to see you post your 1st post ever. Talk to ya later alligator!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Angel Cooper, you are doing such a great job watching over your mom, dad and little Levi.
Hi Levi, welcome! You are so cute! Glad to know you have settled in just fine at your new home.
Aww Levi, your soo going to be loved. Your just a little cutie, don't worry about the leash thing you'll get use to it, it took me long enough lol.
lots of licks to Levi and Cooper.
Hello Angel Cooper, Levi sure is a cute doggie. Good to see that you're looking out for him and your family
~ Girl girl
Levi is one lucky pup to have you looking out for his best interests, Cooper!
What a cutie he is! We're so happy that your mom and dad have a new furry body to hug!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Levi is just tooooooo cute! You did a good job, Angel Cooper, in picking him for your pawrents! We know they did the right thing for you and now little Levi can help to heal their hearts.
Poppy & Penny
Okay, Levi, I'm greeting you with some tears in my eyes after reading about Cooper. That was some shocking news!
You, Levi, are cute, cute, cute! Once you get used to a leash, life can be full of all sorts of excursions.
Cooper...we are so glad ur used ur angel "zen" to guide ur peeps to Levi...
The scrabble of toenails is not a sound to be taken lightly...and it's sorely missed when it's not there...
Your doin' a fine job keepin' watch!!!
We welcome Levi to our family here at DWB's....now as for the not allowed up on the furniture part....should be interestin' huh, Cooper??!!!
Come and visit us...
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
Hi Cooper & Levi,
It's so nice to know that you are ok Cooper and that you are watching over your Mom, Dad and little Levi. I'm sure with your guidance Levi is going to turn into the most wonderful boy and a master blogger too!! He is sooooo cute.. and Mum just melted when she saw he pictures of him hanging out of his bed hehehe
Mum says she understands how Levi is healing your Mom and Dads hearts, as I have been healing the holes left in my Mum & Dad's hearts since my brother left for the bridge. Mum wishes she hadn't waied two years now.. but it seemed right at the time!
I'm so glad you decided to blog from the bridge Cooper, it's so heartwarming popping over and being able to read about your new adventures. It will be fun to get to know Levi, but I sure hope you are gonna stick around for a long while yet.
your buddy,
Ben xxxx
love and licks to your Mom and Dad xxx
hi Cooper, thanks for introducing us to little Levi. we're glad you're watching over him and your mom & dad too. we think he will learn to walk on his leash and be a good dog, like you were. that's good that he likes the new bed that you didn't like.
be happy, okay?
woof's Levi,m u iz shuch a cutie, good fang u got cooper helpin u learn bout bloggin...lots of caring pups, cats, hammies, horsies here...if its ok, me will feature u on me new pup wednesdays...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
Welcome to DWB. When you are ready, we can have a talk about that furniture rule.
Hey Cooper, thanks for helping us to get to know Levi. He is a real cutie. No one can replace you but it is good that your mom and dad have someone to keep them busy.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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