
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Neutering Ritual

Poor Levi is having a bad day and he's desperately trying to piece together what happened when he went to the vet's office to get neutered and micro-chipped. Mom told Dad that my brother's surgery went good and they don't expect any complications. But poor Levi doesn't like the cone and all he's done since he got home is sit, trying to tell Dad his troubles. Listen to the thoughts he's blasting out of his little boy brain, trying to connect to dad to get some answers ……

What happened to Levi? Moomie took me to the visit the nice vegetarian---or was it veterinary? (Darn words get so mixed up!) But while we were waiting a lady snatched me from Moomie's arms and put me in a wire cave---no---cage. Me don't remember what happened next but when me woke up from sleeping me discovered something missing. Me looked every where for my walls---no---balls but they are gone. They used to be right here between my legs. Me almost sure it was my back legs but me looked in between my front ones, too, just in case they moved. Me counted my foes---no---toes and they are all still on my foots---no---feet. (Darn English!) Me checked my tail. It's still there. Just my balls are gone. Then Moomie came and brought me home and put this thing on my head. Now Levi can't walk anymore! Me hope Moomie doesn't get sad---no---mad when she finds out my balls got lost. Me don't feel good. Levi needs a nap!

I'm a little stressed up here watching Levi being so scared and confused over his surgery. When he gets to sleep I'm going let him know he'll be just fine without those body parts. That's not a frivolous use of angel power, do you think? He's really worried and it won't take but a second to whisper reassurances in his ear. He should know that humans apparently think testicles are just accessories we don't need and to tell you the true, I never missed mine for very long.

There's a rumor going around, though, that neutering makes dogs more responsible citizens. Judging by all the neutered angel dogs I've met, it must be true because there are some awesome guys up here. Don't get me wrong. Those fully equipped dogs are great, too. It's just that some of them seem pretty damned proud that they escaped the neutering ritual---oops, I've got to quit swearing. I'll have to get one of my fully equipped friends to tell me exactly what those balls are for. I never gave it much thought when I was still on earth.

Hey, look at that! Mom took pity on him and put Levi in a onsie. That did the trick of covering up his stitches so he can't pull them out. No more cone! He's even got a little hole cut in the onsie for his tail. He's settling down for a nap now so I've better get ready to do a little angel business. ©



i said...

Oh poor Levi, you sure don't look very happy there. Don't worry, you'll be fine in no time at all.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Cooper and Levi -

Cooper, you are such a wise dog. You really look out for Levi.

Levi, you look cute in your onsie. When I (Hershey) had my ears done I had to wear a dixie cup on my head. I looked like one of the shriner people.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Awww...poor Levi! Don't worry, you'll be better very very soon...*hugs* You look so adorable in the onsie, too!

Cooper, you're such a loving brother..if only I have a big brother like you! Keep up the great job!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Don't worry Levi, in a day or two you will have forgotten all about it. Well sort of.

Simba x

Abby said...

Hi, Cooper & Levi...

Poor Little Levi...He just doesn't understand...He'll be over it soon...

That was a great idea your Mom had about the Onsie...When I had my girl surgery, I hated that cone thing...I did the same thing as Levi - I just sat there & wouldn't move...I wish my Mom had thought of the Onsie thing...

I hope Levi feels better when he wakes up...& I think it's fine that you reassure him...

Abby xxxooo

the many Bs said...

poor Levi, but you do look happier in that little onsie. Benson wore a t-shirt to cover his stiches when he had his shoulder surgery. it's a lot better than a cone head.

we don't understand what it is with humans and dog testicles. where do they go? our mom told us that we were neutralized. hmm??? we still don't understand.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Cooper! Levi!!!

The cone of hell! That thing is horrible! Once you take to cone off things aren't so bad. I barely even noticed the new turd!!

Hehehe! Did Levi find his new turd?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Petra said...

Levi, you look great in a onesie; your mom is very clever! Don't worry, buddy, you'll be feeling back to normal very soon.

River said...

That's a great idea--the onsie. Anything's better than a cone. Cooper, I think it will be okay to give Levi a little angle hug.

love & wags,

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Cooper...

It's good that Levi got a special suit instead of that cone....but boy we're sorry ta hear that he lost his bits....now I hear Gram talkin' that me 'n Toby are gonna lose ours too and soon....we've had 'em longer than Levi but I guess we won't miss 'em either once they're gone. At least I hope not cause I really haven't used 'em at all anyway.....hope Levi feels better soon....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Joe Stains said...

Don't worry dude, you will forget about those things in no time!

Dandy Duke said...

You look adorable in your onsie, Levi! Don't worry - after a week goes by you'll never even remember you had balls!

Yer friend,

Georgeous said...

Get well soon Levi, don't do lickie and you won't need the cone.
Love 'n' snuffs
George (ball less)

Jan said...

The onsie is just too cute for words. Much more masculine that the Elizabethan cone.

Anonymous said...

Very smart, to use that onsie. Poor, poor pup! All sympathies! I hope this becomes a distant memory for you soon and you are back to running and scampering through life again.