
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Naughty Puppy Catalog

Anyone there? Anyone there? Levi here. Me graduated from puppy obedience class last night! Moomie says we might go back in September. Me hope so. Me will miss playing with my friends.

Levi, it's not Schnauzer Saturday yet.

Me gotta go. Moomie's coming. If she catches me on the computer Levi will get in trouble.

Can you believe my baby brother? He finds the most creative ways to get into trouble. This past week he's been a handful with his wussy reaction to his neutering surgery and he's added several curious items to his naughtiness catalog. 1) He's started playing on the internet when Mom's back is turned and 2), he's been peeing on my gravestones. What's that all about? Seriously. Does he somehow know that I'm the one whispering advice in his little ear? I doubt it but it's got me puzzled and I don't mind telling you, it's kind of creeping me out. I guess I should have my angel powers checked out to make sure I'm doing things right.

In addition to the wussiness, grave peeing and internet episodes, Levi's figured out that one of Dad's feet doesn't work very well so he's been snatching the sock right off that foot and running with it. Every time Mom turns around she has to track the sock down and return it to Dad's foot. He's got no respect for Dad's disability. Well, that's not entirely true. When Mom helps Dad with his showers, and has to transfer him in and out of the shower stall, Levi has learned to sit-stay just fine. But I think he's only doing it for the treats, not because he really understands the safety issue of getting in the way.

Mom's got treats in all her pockets. She never did that for any of her other dog-kids. Half the time she forgets to remove the kibble from her pockets when she does the laundry and it gets washed and dried. Weird, it doesn't look any different having gone through the laundry process. It just falls out the dryer door and Mom scrambles to pick it up before Levi gets to the detergent laced stuff.

Got to go. It's been busy up here at Rainbow Bridge and I want to tag along with the welcoming committee, help out if I can. ©

By the way, if you haven't seen the Bone Relay for the 2008 Paw-limpics, you have to check out the neat video that Lenny made. What a lot of work he put into that video and it turned out to be an awesome start to the Paw-limpics.



Georgeous said...

Oooh sockie games are fun - I love the suckie sockie solo game!
I think Cooper, that levi has been taking too many of those painkillers, you need to look at the med chart buddy - he's of an impressionable age.
Love n Snuffs

Petra said...

Hahaha! Levi is a little stinker and he helps your mom get her exercise by stealing the sock!

I'm sorry to hear that he's peeing on your grave, though, Cooper. That's gotta stop!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Don't worry, George. I weaned him off the pain pills a couple of days ago. LOL

Levi's mom

Tatum Tot said...

Socks are such great toys we find 'em all over the place and like to put holes in them!

I have a big brother named Levi. :)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Levi has been quite the nottie one, hasn't he? Sorry to hear that he's peeing on your grave,Cooper! Perhaps he doesn't mean it...but congrats to him on graduating from obedience class!


Lacy said...

w00f's Levi and angel Cooper, heehee dats a fun game grabbing socks and running...congrats on u finishing puppy school...hmm angel Cooper, u gots to put a stop to him peein on ur grave...dats not nice...

b safe,

Dandy Duke said...

What a little tease you are with your daddy's sock, Levi!
Lenny and his mom did an awesome job on the paw-limpics video!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

Making the human run after their socks is such a good game. Maybe he is peeing on your grave to see if flowers will grow.

Simba x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Levi -

You like to grab socks? Kaci is known as the sock thief here. She is always stealing socks from the laundry basket. Must be a schnauzer thing.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Eric said...

Hi Cooper, how pawsome to meet both you and little Levi. Thanks for wagging over to see me I hope we can be friends. Now Levi's tales of naughtiness sounds like he is a dog after my own mould. Mom is always doing the treats things with the laundry too and I love taking socks off 2 leggeddeds, I think of it as my party trick- shame those hoomans don't!

Wiry wags to you both Eric x

Rambo said...

Hi Cooper & Levi,
Midget Molly is the sock thief in our house. She follows G-Pop up stairs when he gets changed after work and steals both his socks. Every night! Then he's on a sock hunt! Congrats to Levi for graduating from obedience class and thanks for popping over to my blog!

the many Bs said...

Levi is quite the mischief maker. he makes us chuckle. now about that peeing on your grave stone - do you think he is trying to communicate with you, Cooper? maybe he's starting to assert his puppy independence - sneaking on the internet, peeing on your grave stones. he's lucky to have angel you watching over him.

congrats on Levi's graduation from puppy school!


Jake of Florida said...

Yeah, just for the record, I, Jake, had no trouble passing the bone off to my little brother, Just Harry. That's the kind of mature guy I am.

He, on the other paw, after running all the way from South Florida to Kansas, kind of thought it was HIS bone and teased poor little Deetzy with it for awhile. But then he pawed it over.

FYI, the bones you see in our recent posts are commemorative bones!!!

We may have to post a clarification.


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Levi's mom here.

That's no joke about him peeing on Levi's grave stones. He's done it 5 times in the past week. I can't figure out why he is doing it. They are flat, patio stones and he's purposefully squatting on them. The only theory I have is that he got his feel wet once, peeing in the hard dirt.

Anonymous said...

Hi Levi,
You are full of mischief! Peeing on the stones...hehehe.



You can never have too many socks. Yeah, the bone relay was really neat, we we're proud to represent the state of Arizona, but Toby tried to bury the bone.

Desert Pups

Kapp pack said...

COngratulations! Mom and Dad never made me go to one of those classes. My big brother Sky taught me well!

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Levi, Levi...um...that was very notty of you to read the section of our blog for older pups...Um. Well. OK...Socks...ya love socks, don't ya Levi??? Yeppers, changed the subject, didn't I? Scruffy still nabs socks of feet...just Mumsie's...thankfully it only happens once in a while...it used to be an hourly occurance...oh...our treats have gone through the washer and dryer too...gross isn't it!!!!

Now Levi...there are better ways to talk to Cooper 'stead of sending peemail to Heaven...your bro's an angel (unlike mine)...put ur paws together and just talk to him!!!

Cooper so glad ur on the welcoming comittee for Heaven; that gives us a warm and fuzzy feeling to know we'll all be meetin' ya someday!

Loved the postie on ur mom's prior doggies...that one dog who held the kitty down to nurse her kittens...WOW!! That ought to be in a book somewhere!!

We so love ur bloggie,Cooper! I hope Levi wasn't traumatized after readin' my somewhat PG13 rated postie...silly puppy!!!!!


Charlie Daniels said...

You can never have too may socks ... they don't last long you know! ;-)



i said...

Congrats Levi on graduating! Looks like you are learning more tricks each day!

Abby said...

Hi, Cooper & Levi...

It's nice to hear from Levi, even if it isn't Schnauzer Saturday...It's OK to bend the rules a little...

Sounds like Levi is learning all kinds of things...Boys will be Boys, ya know...

Also...I loved your pictures of the Ghosts from the distant past...

Abby xxxoo

Anonymous said...

Jean..ooops, I mean Levi and Cooper (say hi to your Mom, though)
My goodness, you have quite a following now! I need to stop in more often. Our dogs always did the sock thing, too, except for the very creative dog who learned to hide his favorite toy under a pillow and then "pretend" it was lost. He'd dig through the pillow to find it. I think that was very creative playing and he was always quite proud of himself.

Agatha and Archie said...

Hi kids!! PL2 is always washing her laundry with our cookies in the pockets! Either that or kleenex!! Tee hee!!! that video was PAWSOME! Love A+A

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Somehow an extra blog entry showed up and I can't seem to delete it without both of them going. I can only seem to draft the one with all the comments and not this one with only three comments. One bloggers help, they said if I put some 'fake' comments on this, they others might show up so I can delete the extra post. Fingers crossed....

Levi's mom