
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Levi, The Material Boy

Things up here at the Rainbow Bridge are slowing down for me. We had so many volunteers wanting to do extra duty to help with the displayed dogs down in the hurricane areas that I got rotated back to my normal job of watching over my earth bound family. A few nights ago when I checked in on them I had to laugh at Mom. She was lying in bed wide awake and watching CNN at 3:30 in the morning while dad slept on one side of her and Levi slept on the other. She's got a not-so-secret addiction to politics which explains why Levi's blogging time is getting short-changed lately.

This morning Mom was talking to Dad about how many material things they've acquired since Levi came along. In the garage are two expandable, freestanding garden fences plus a foot high wire fence. They keep Levi from getting 'lost' while bug hunting in the corners of their three stall garage. It's his favorite play ground. Another expandable garden fence is at the deck steps to keep Levi down in the dog yard when it's raining. And I can't count high enough to catalog all the new toys in the house plus all my old ones that Levi inherited.

Mom's also hauled my old plastic crate and wire cage up from the basement to use for Levi. The plastic crate she's been using in the car since adoption day but she'd been resisting having the wire cage in the laundry room until about a month ago. (I didn't use either one in the last years of my life.) It was something the obedience class instructor said about dogs that aren't used to cages having a hard time when they have to be boarded or go to groomers that made her decide to get Levi cage broke. That and seeing all those hurricane dogs having to be caged while they wait to be reunited with their humans. But Levi hasn't had a bit of trouble in the cage. He's quiet, doesn't try to get out so Mom's no longer worried about him being cage savvy.

Also new: Levi first winter coat. Pretty macho, don't you think. Mine was too small for him.

Below is Levi's 90 foot clothesline that Mom uses in the back yard and his Easy Walk harness. The little blue thing is a Bling Blinker for Levi's collar. It turns on at night and can be seen up to ½ mile. The first night of adult obedience class Levi managed to chew the front off the harness while in route to the class, a ten minute trip---while he was wearing it! Mom bought a cheap dog collar---for the
fabric---and located an upholstery guy who was able to sew and save the pricy harness. The obedience class instructor helped Mom get it adjusted properly so he can't get it in his mouth again. But Mom's not taking any chances. He only wears it when he's working.

Look at all the grooming tools Levi has! Only one is a left-over from my days on earth and Mom plans to buy a table clap and hook like groomers use because Levi is still fighting getting brushed out.

But the real topper is that Mom talked to an electrician a couple of days ago about putting a spot light in the dog yard so she can see him and the toads better at night. That Levi, I don't get his fascination with toads and slugs. Me, I stayed away from these critters. Flies, yes, in my younger days I chased them around the house but I don't recall catching as many as Levi does. Mom says it was nice not having them in the house this past summer. (She's not good at closing doors when she lets Levi out so they sneak in.) But one day she purposely let a fly come inside just to keep Levi busy while she and Dad went away. Sigh, he's just as spoiled as I was.

It's time to get back to my nap. There's a big feather presentation ceremony tonight and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a few permanent feathers added to my training wings. But you know what? I'm not as excited about that as I was when I got my first feather because---well, how do I say this?---because I'm learning that helping those in need has its own awards. ©



the many Bs said...

hi Angel Cooper and Levi, that's interesting to see all of the stuff that Levi has. we think that's the way it is with us dogs - lots of stuff. and there are lots and lots of stores and peoples to tell us that we need this stuff. we like that harness - we think it's the same kind that i, Bailey, have. i also have a gentle leader that mom has me wear when we walk. we have lots of collars and leashes and toys toys toys! we have crates and beds and blankies and Bailey's chair and the couch and the bed and - well, just about everything is ours. that's the way that it should be. so it sounds like Levi is right on track.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Cooper!

That's so great that you have more time to watch over your family...Levi sure does have many stuff! I wish I have a spot light too...it sounds awesome!

Congrats on getting new feathers too! Although it is not as rewarding as seeing the faces of others you have helped, but it's a good reminder of the great things that you have done...great job,Cooper!


BenTheRotti said...

Hi Cooper Angel,

wowzwers, Levi is one spoiled pup! Mum says everypup deserves to be spoiled and I won't argue with that.
You are a true angel Cooper, because you see the wealth in helping others is far greater than material awards,

much love,

Ben xxxxx

parlance said...

Cooper, that Levi sure is acquiring a lot of things. You must have been a well-behaved and neat dog not to need so much stuff.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Angel Cooper...isn't that the truth...helpin' out others gives you this warm feelin' in ur tummy...sorta like if ya steal some chicken noodle soup from ur mom!

Oh...we need to straighten ya out. Lacie LOVES to lifeguard. Cuz she LOVES bossin' dogs around. But the really funny thing we found out this summer is ONLY THE FRONT HALF OF HER CAN SWIM. The back half sinks like a stone. So if those bunnies at Hugh's pool get into some trouble...I hope they don't count on Lac to pull em out...she'd probably be givin' make up lessons sittin in the chair anyway!

That little Levi sure has the stuff!!!

We totally agree bout the crate thingie...also Mumsie has left us at the kennel a couple times just overnight to get us used to it so we don't freak on the rare occasions they go away!

Gotta run...Mumsie groomed all of us this morning and SHE SMELLS LIKE A STINKY DOG is covered in fur...needs a bath!

Barkies Cooper and hugs to Levi!


Asta said...

Angel Cooper
You must be so pwoud to be able to help so many fwiends fwom Heaven..you suwe desewve some extwa feathews on youw wings..Levi suwe got some lovely things. but I think they awe all necessawy and not too much at all
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

We love Levi's new winter coat! It's the perfect color for him! All of those grooming tools will keep him looking spiffy and handsome! He's one lucky boy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rambo said...

Me and the little Midget think its so neat that you keep an eye on Levi. You are a good big brother!
Yes, Levi does have lots of things, but it's okay if your human spoils him. Every dog deserves to be spoiled sometime.

Abby said...

Hi, Angel Cooper...

Looks like Levi is collecting lots of things...He's a very lucky little guy...Especially cuz he is loved sooo much...

Let us know how the Feather Ceremony goes...

Abby xxxooo

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello.

Simba x

Jan said...

Frogs and toads are the favorite toys of all the dogs who live here.

Georgeous said...

Ah Angel Cooper, embrace Levi's difference - you know I have a passion for the slimey critter myself, don't knock it until you try it (but I guess now you are an angel, critter licking is out of the question???)
That boy certainly has a fine grooming kit!

Georgeous said...

whoops, never said bye bye.
Love george

Agatha and Archie said...

Ah angel Cooper,you certainly are right,,,PL2 was laughing because she has all that stuff too!! AND she is also a politaicla news junkie!!9certainly is busy now!!!) Love and kisses A+A

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Howdy angel cooper and levi! We are really behind since we were out of pocket for 5 days. We missed you guys. Cooper, you are becoming so very wise.
And Levi, we just see things you need! So we do not think you are spoiled at all. You live where it gets cold so you need the jacket!
Good to see y'all again!
Sunny and Scooter

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Angel Cooper,

The Mommy wants to know if you have seen my sister Samantha yet?
The Mommy is so glad that you have been helping out at the bridge. We have lost so many DWB friends lately but the Mommy says she's sure with all the greeters up there, everydoggie is having a good time...


Latte said...

Hi Levi's mum, so nice to read about all the love you're showering on him :) Get him to give you a doggy hug for me ok. :)


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey sweet Cooper and handsome Levi...how's it going dogs???

Just stoppin' by to leave ya some love, hugs and kissies!!!
