
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Family's New Puppy

Moomie says the election is over. Me don't know if Moomie's guy won or lost but Levi is glad it's over so she won't be so busy typing, typing, typing on those election debate sites she goes to.

Anyway, Moomie is all happy that some puppy she never met is moving into a big white house far away. We live in a big house so me don't know what the big deal is. Our house is gray and that's almost white, isn't it? It's not like that puppy and me can have play dates together. We won't be able to send pee-mails back and forth. Why is a puppy moving into a white house making Moomie happy? Me asked Moomie that and she gave me homework. Homework! Me has to read these articles before she's going to let me blog again. Darn it! Me wanted to catch up with all my friends here at Dogs With Blogs.

Love Levi

Move Over Barney, a New Dog is Moving in to the White House An article with a brief history of dogs who've lived in the White House

Obama Family Dog First on the List An article about the kind of dog the first family is likely to get. More than 42,000 voters at the American Kennel Club have nominated the poodle over the soft-coated wheaten terrier, miniature schnauzer, bichon frise and Chinese crested since on of the daughters has allergies.

First U.S. Presidential Victory Speech to Mention an Animal?
This article includes an amazingly photo of Obama with "Baby," a three-legged dog that lost its fourth limb following years of mistreatment at a California puppy mill.

Presidents and Pets 1953 to 2008. Includes links to photos of all the presidential pets.



i said...

Hi Levi, happy to hear from you again! Glad your mommy have more time with your blog now. Have you been to the White House?

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Cool articles you got there, Levi! I'm going to read it with Mom when she has more free time...=) Thanks for sharing them!

Hope you have a great day too...=)


Simba and Jazzi said...

I wouldn't mind living in the white house. Loads of room to explore.
Simba x

Dandy Duke said...

We can't wait to see which doggie the Obama's choose for the new first pup!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Levi...

My Mom is really happy about the puppy in the White House, too...

I'm not sure who she wanted to live there, either, but she seems happy about that, too...

Abby xxxooo

Jake of Florida said...


Our Mom suggested we read all those articles and we're glad we did. Watching Baby with our new president and seeing how Baby has adapted to having just three legs as she runs across the lawn caused some of that leaky eye syndrome we're always talking about -- but now we feel hope as well.

Wirey love, dear Levi. You're learning life's lessons!!!

Jake and Just Harry

the many Bs said...

hi Levi! we can't wait to meet the new first dog. we hope it's a poodle! we want him/her to have a blog too so we can all be buddies.


Kevin Witmyer said...

I know what you means! We live in a big blue house. That's way better-er than plain old white!!!

My Daddy says they should dopt a mixed-up breed like some peoples call an All American Dog.... I think it's more important to make sure they have good toys and yummies ready for the puppy.

Read quick, Levi... I miss your bloggies!



Lacy said...

w00f's angel cooper and levi, me iz happy dat they iz gettin a shelter doggie..mayb dat will help more shelter doggies get homes..

b safe,

Lizzy said...


I don't entirely understand it all either, but I'm just happy because the humans are happy!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Angel Cooper and Levi -

Those are great articles! We miss you.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Thanks for sharing the articles, Levi! They look very interesting indeed! I'm going to ask Mom to read it for me when she's free...it's good see you blogging again! We've missed you and your cute face...=)

Hope you have a great day!


River said...

Everybody's voting on the new puppy. We hope it will be a rescue.

love & wags,

parlance said...

Levi, I'm finding it hard to type this comment to you because I'm crying after reading the story of Baby. What has the human race come to?

Rambo said...

Hi Levi,
There have been lots of dogs in that White House. What's the big deal?
Hey, did you hear that Barney bit a reporter? I guess he doesn't want to leave....he he.