
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Levi, Naughty or Nice?

I've been remiss in checking up on my baby brother from up here at the Bridge, and it shows in his behavior. Lord, I don't think he'll ever grow up. He's nearly ten months old and look what he did to the carpeting---he pulled a thread and made it run. Our parent's new house is taking a beating, thanks to Levi. He's even put teeth marks on the rungs of a chair. It's one of those two-seater benches and not one of Mom's favorites so the carpet caper trumped his wood craving attempts on the naughtiness scale. It took Mom two minutes to forgive Levi for the chair damage and two days for her to quit mourning the damage to the carpeting.

On the niceness scale, Levi loves to sun himself in front of the glass door off the living room. He thinks he's a cat or something. He pulls his bed from the kitchen through the dinning room, plops it down in his favorite sunny spot, and crawls inside to enjoy his chew stick. This would be okay if he had 'normal' parents. But hauling his bed around turns our Dad's wheelchair path into an obstacle course. Dad doesn't seem to mind, though. He just laughs and uses one of his few words---shit---and Mom comes running to clear him a toy-free path. And when Dad moves around half the time Levi is right there edging backwards in front of the chair as he tries to pull the sock of Dad's paralyzed foot. Most of the time Dad laughs at that, too, unless he's in a hurry to pee. That's when Mom hears, "Oh, shit!" with some urgency that causes her to run faster than the laughing 'shit.'

Levi's puppiness was good for a few smiles this week. It snowed where my folks live and it was the first time he's seen the white stuff. Snow was on the deck and Levi was so joyful, shouting in his little brain, "Frosty Paws, Frosty Paws!" as he tried to eat it all up. I can't wait to see how he acts when they get five-six inches of snow. Mom will probably have a hard time getting him to come inside.

Guess I'd better get back to my heavenly duties. There's a line of angel-dogs behind me waiting to look down through the magic water to check on their humans. ©



Lacy said...

w00f's, levi's been busy...well the carpet cood haff been an accident,,but the rungs on the chair...hmmm not think so..me likes to lay in the sun too...

b safe,

the many Bs said...

hi Angel Cooper and Levi, we really like hearing about Levi's antics. we're sorry that he chewed on the carpet. that was a trick that Bailey did when he was a pupster too. now mom finally got smart and got a laminate floor installed. so then he chewed the drywall. those boys - they always find something to destroy, don't they?

we're glad Levi liked the snow. we love snow too. he will probably get snow balls in the hair on his legs. one time mom had to put Brody in the warm bathtub water to thaw him out! hee hee


i said...

Oh Levi...it's nice to be a pup, isn't it?

Anonymous said...
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Dandy Duke said...

Our mom would be a tad bit upset if we put a run in the carpeting too, Levi! We're glad you're forgiven!
You are so lucky to get to play in the snow! We are so jealous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Angel Cooper...

Looks like Levi is making himself right at home in the new house...

That bed thing is funny...

Abby xxxooo

Latte said...

Hey Levi,

You need to stop your chewing of the non-chewable stuff. Please show these humans we dogs can do it! :) Wish I can send some of my chew toys over to you..


Kevin Witmyer said...

OOOoooohhhhhHhhHhhhHH.... Levi!!!
You done it good on the carpet! I did-ed the same thing too, and Oh My Dog... The Mommy was so NOT amuse-ed!!!!
Gracie feels your pains! But we've learn-ed that it really will be okay.



FleasGang said...

Levi, you are such a little stinker! Making an obstacle course like that. Keep up the good work :-)

What is snow? I've never seen that before either. It looks like it could be wet so I'm sure I wouldn't enjoy it.


Jan said...

Puppies are cute and funny, but this is some of the reasons I got my dogs as adults.

Lady Kaos said...

Oh my dogness! That is hilarious that he brings his bed to the sunny spot! I'll have to remember that! I just lay on the floor in the sunny spot! I can't wait to see pictures of Levi in his first 5-6 inch snow. We're still waiting for it to snow here! It's in the 80's this week! I think Mother Nature forgot we live in Colorado and we're supposed to have snow by now!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Ooops chewing the humans stuff does not make them happy. I don't know why, its not like they want to chew it. Snow! You lucky dog, I love snow.

Simba x

Petra said...

Well, Cooper, maybe you should remind Levi that Christmas is coming so Levi needs to hold back on destroying carpet for awhile!

I'm glad that Levi makes your mom and dad laugh most of the time. He's so cute, they just can't stay mad at him long.

Hooray for the snow! It looks like fun!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Angel Cooper and Levi -

Uh oh, Levi, you chewed the carpet? We are glad that you are forgiven.

You like moving your bed to a sunny spot? Can you teach us that trick? We like laying in the sun spot too.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

parlance said...

Cooper, you'd better keep an eye on that little brother of yours. He certainly seems to be following in your footsteps as a bringer of joy into your family's life.

Rambo said...

Hi Cooper,
Levi's been a bad boy. Is Santa gonna leave him some coal? he he.
Hey, G-Mom's favorite word is s--t too!! Sometimes she calls me a little s--t! I think its funny.
take care,