
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adopting a Buddy

Today my pawrents took me to the place that steals hair. Again! How many times are they going to do that before my Moomie and Daady figure out not to take me there? Me's tried to tell them it's cold outside and Levi needs his hair but they wouldn't listen. After those thieves did that and other embarrassing to me everyone kept saying what a handsome boy me is. But when Moomie picked me up she just said Levi didn't look like me's needed to go on a diet anymore. Last week she even started me on adult food more than a month before my first birthday 'cause she thought the puppy stuff was making me fat. Well, not exactly. Me's gets baby food half and half adult.

On the way home we stopped at Starbucks for a cup of cream and then Moomie said we were going shopping for a belated Christmas present. Oh, Boy! Levi LOVED that idea. She said me's needed something big so me's would quit molesting pillows…whatever that means. Levi can't help it that they keep trying to run away from home and me's have to stop them.

The selection was picked over, Moomie said. They only had two big stuffies left---a frog and a monkey---so me tested them both out. Mr. Froggie passed. It cost a whole $20.00 to adopt him! Is that fair? He's so homely that no one wanted to take him home before Christmas. But to tell you the truth, it didn't matter that he was the last of the froggie in the litter to go. It was love at first sight.

When Froggie got to our house he tried to get into the refrigerator but Moomie made him get down from there. Mean Moomie! He was hungry. Then we played and got to know each other better after that. Me's showed him my bed in the kitchen and then we got tired and took a nap together in my other bed 'cause it was quieter in the bedroom. ©



parlance said...

What a lovely story and what beautiful photos!

Abby said...

Hi, Levi...

I love your monkey...I'm glad they saved him for you...

I like your haircut...I get cold after my haircut, too...My Mom has to keep my sweater on me, even in the house for a day or two...

Abby xxxooo

Jan said...

That was sweet. Now grab it by the throat and shake it really hard. Then pounce on it. Fun.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Fenway said...

I hope you all have a sweet and cozy New Year's and Froggie is feeling quite at home now.

Love the story!

Kelli said...

Hi Levi!
You look so handsome with your hair cut! I almost didn't recognize you! Not that you weren't super cute before! Your new friend looks really nice! I hope you got a good nap so you can stay up late and celebrate the new year!

Lady Kaos said...

Glad you got a gift after going to get your hair stolen. Mr Froggie looks really fun!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy New Year Levi and angel Cooper!!

Your foggie is so cute, much better then so old pillow. I bet your froggie won't run away. Have you named it yet?

I see you gots lots of snow. Can you send me one of you playing in the snow for my snow post? We're gpnna do it this weekend. If you have one on angel Cooper when me was still here thay would be nice.

We had a scarey start to 2009. The Mommy is gonna post about it tonight.


Latte said...

Such a cute froggy :)

Hey Levi, we have an award for you, check it out:

May your 2009 be filled with lots of pats, treats, walks and anything else that gets your cute little tail wagging!

the many Bs said...

hi Levi, oh my! you are turning into such a handsome schnauzer. your groomer is doing a really good job! your haircut makes you look soooo handsome.

your monkey friend looks like a good friend to play and nap with. it's too bad about those pillows trying to escape. ours do that sometimes too. we think you have things well under control.


Joe Stains said...

Looks like you scored a GREAT new buddy!! RIBBIT!!

Dandy Duke said...

It looks like you and Froggie are already the best of buddies, Levi!
Happy New Year! We hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you and your family!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Johann The Dog said...

You adopted a froggie, that is so great! Glad it's 'love at first sight' :) Hope it lasts furever.

Happy New Year!

Woofs, Johann

Cowspotdog said...

Brrrrrr that looks very cold - not having fur, although I must admit having as much can be hard too, I get so hot, even when it's cold outside. happy new year to you and froggie

Lacy said...

w00f's Levi, ur monkey iz bigger than u iz...happy new year to u and ur family..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

They steal hair from us Airedales, too. It's just the price we pay for being gorgeous!