
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas, Bah Humbug!

Christmas was a GIANT big disappointment. Me's read all over "Dogs with Blogs" how we're suppose to have a good time on Christmas day and get lots of pretty presents but all me's got was this dumb banana---oops, bandanna---and a bag of my favorite treats. Then me's got left alone all afternoon because my daady got sick with the dreaded cabin fever. At first me's was really worried when Moomie said the only thing that would cure cabin fever was to go see a dog named Marley at someplace called Showtime. Then it came out that Daady is in LOVE with Marley's moomie, Jennifer Aniston, and me's got suspious. If you ask Levi me would say that Daady was just pretending to be sick so he could be with that Jennifer woman but Moomie didn't seem to catch on to his charade. So no one tell her, okay?

While they were gone Daady's pillow tried to run away from home. Since Levi is the head of security when Moomie's gone it was up to me to stop it. Me wrestled the pillow in the living room but he kept trying to make a break towards the back door. Then Levi accidentally bit a hole in it while me was dragging it into the library. After that Daady's pillow gave up and me was able to hold him down until my pawrents got home.

Daady and Moomie smelled strange when they returned. Like corn on the cob with lots of butter on it and me's couldn't smell that Marley dog anywhere. Me checked their pants, their shirts, their hands and faces. No dog essence anywhere. Me guesses that Dr. Marley dog was zipped up inside one of those isolation bodysuits to keep himself from catching cabin fever while he treated my daady. Me's didn't smell another woman on Daady either. That Jennifer woman must have been wearing a blue bodysuit, too.

Me's is getting a headache and my tummy hurts. Oh no! What does it feel like to get cabin fever? ©



parlance said...

Sounds like you were really on the job on Christmas Day, Levi!

Luckily Penny didn't know it was Christmas, because I don't let her read all the blogs from the other dogs.

So she thought it was just another day and we didn't tell her otherwise, though she probably didn't like being left alone longer than usual.

But she did have some lovely frozen kongs to keep her company while the humans sneaked off to a family get-together.

Dandy Duke said...

Your bandana looks wonderful on you and treats are a perfect gift but no toys for a puppy, Levi? Did Santa run out by the time he got to your house? This is just awful!
Our mom and dad want to see Marley and Me too! Thanks for letting us know the signs to watch for on movie theatre day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

hi Levi, we're sorry that your christmas was a disappointment to you. that bandana does look very handsome on you though.

that's a mystery about that Jennifer person and Dr. Marley. we have watched a dog on the TV that does a lot of goofy stuff. maybe that's Dr. Marley. our mom tells us that TV dogs are different from real dogs and we don't need to bark at them, but we always do. it's probably a good thing you didn't see Marley or else you might bark too.

were your moomy and daady happy after they came home? we wonder if dr.Marley cured your dad's cabin fever.


Joe Stains said...

Sorry Christmas wasn't so pawesome, but you did a great job saving that pillow from becoming another statistic out on the mean streets.

Latte said...

I sure hope the cabin fever's gone by now! My pawrents are leaving me behind for Marley too when it comes to town. Who's this chap, I wonder. He seems to be everywhere!

Amber-Mae said...

Good job with the pillow! BOL!!!

Solid Gold Dancer

Kelli said...

Hi Levi!
You look cute in your bandanna! I'm sorry you got left at home on Christmas. My Owners say they are going to see that dog Marley sometime too, he must be a traveling dog. Maybe he is in a circus or something!

Lacy said...

w00f's Levi, wow u shure protected ur moomie and daddie from that pillow..and all that time they wuz playing wiff another doggie..whatt a shame...me thinks ur bandanna looks super cool on u too..

b safe,

Rambo said...

Marley Shmarley. Hope your new year is better.

Georgeous said...

Come to stay in England next Christmas Levi. We'll share a nice time with you. Looks like the pillow was good company though????
Happy new year to you and your hoomans and send love to Angel Cooper when you have comunications with him next.
Love George