
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Levi's Diary

Me missed blogging on Schnauzer Saturday because Moomie was busy on something called political sites. She was like a crazy person typing, typing, typing. But today she finally said I could post my diary from last week.

Monday: Levi had a stick up my butt. I tried and tried to poop it out but it was stuck and Moomie had to come to my rescue. That was embarrassing. Me didn't want her to help and I kept running away, but it sure did feel better after the bark up my butt was gone. That's what happens when you eat it, she says, it has to come back out.

Tuesday: Moomie took me to a place that dog-napped me from her arms and then they stole all my hair! When she got me back Moomie said I wasn't cute anymore. I changed colors and now Moomie is sad that I am more gray than black. I don't know why. She and Daady are all gray. Me thinks I look awesome.

Wednesday: Daady dropped some good stuff on the floor. Beans and potatoes. Levi learned to sit right by him at dinner time because he spills me treats.

Thursday: The mailman brought a torture thingie to the door called an Easy Walk harness. Moomie says I walk SO nice when I'm wearing it because Levi doesn't pull on the leash. Me managed to step out of it once when some little girls wanted to pet me. But Moomie tighten up the torture straps so I don't think that will happen again. Me likes little girls.

Friday: After dark Moomie let me go bug hunting on the deck for a very long time. Boy that was fun. Me really good at catching flying bugs.

Saturday: Moomie brought me treats from some place called the Farmer's Market. They were better than the beans and potatoes.

Sunday---today: Moomie got all yellie because I was playing with a spider in the house. Me threw him in the air and then would watch him run and then I'd throw him in the air again. Levi doesn't understand. She takes me bug hunting on the deck but I can't bug hunt in the house? Humans have weird rules.

Smell ya later,

Love Levi



i said...

Hi Levi, sounds like you had a busy week too. I'd stick close to your daddy too at dinner if I were you hee...

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Levi!

Glad to hear you got that stick out...must be very bad to have something up there! I think you looked fine with your haircut! Your Mom will get used to it...my Mom was not used to me looking like an adult when she sent me to the groomers too, but after a while, she said I looked cute too! *wink*


Lacy said...

w00f's levi, me sorry u had to poop a stickie...and u really had a busy week didnt ya...nutting better than dropped food...

b safe,

the many Bs said...

hi Levi, wow,you had a busy week. you really did change colors with your haircut. we like it though. you are still very striking and handsome. you look very schnauzer-ish. i, Bailey, got a haircut on Saturday. my mom did it. i don't look schnauzer-ish or poodle-ish. but mom says i look very handsome. that's the most important thing.

so that spider and bug chasing sounds like tons of fun, but the stick up the butt didn't sound like much fun at all. we guess you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.


Kevin Witmyer said...

Hiya, Levi!

Sticks up the butt are no fun! I eat lots of sticks, and the coming out part is not fun much! I wish we could bug hunt together. I am all loving the bug hunts!!!

Good thing you learn-ed about the people food on the floor!! It's even more better wif a little people too!


Gracie ;>

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

LEVI!!! I think you look way handsome after the groomer took your hair! Grooming is a sad thing my friend. After my first groom my human nearly fell on the floor in shock, she said she wished that I still had my puppy fuzz. But then after I get all wooly again, I get groomed...each time, I come back looking different. My human says it's time for a new groomer. I guess last time I looked like I got in a fight with some scissors and a blow dryer, yet the groomers say I'm so good. Bah...

Mmmmm beans and potatoes...that sounds delish! You are so very lucky!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Anonymous said...

Levi you are so cute! I like your haircut! My mommy said to tell you one of the sweetest dogs she ever knew was a schnauzer named Missy.

Petra said...

Yeah, you're onto something there when you said humans are weird, Levi.

I love to go to my basement because I can usually find juicy bugs to eat down there!

Jan said...

Our humans think we follow them around because we love them. Actually they carry food around and drop crumbs which we pounce on. Not as good as beans and potatoes, but better that what we get in our bowls.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Princess Patches said...

You're still very cute even though they stole your hair! And now that you are kind of "charcoal" color, that just makes you sort of rare! It makes you even more special!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Georgeous said...

I like your hair cut too buddy! Mumma tells me there is big hairy spiders that come in the door in autumn - I can't wait to see them! I'll keep my eye out for the froggy that lives in the outside cupboard until then..
Great Long post little fella - your doing really well at the puter.
Love n lickies

Rambo said...

I hang around the dinner table too but nobody ever drops anything. And I put on my sad face on and everything!

FleasGang said...

Ouch! That stick situation sounds painful.

We think your new haircut looks awesome. Plus, we bet you feel better too :-)

Stick (no pun intended) close to your Pop for us.

The FleasGang

Abby said...

Hi, Levi...

What a busy week you had...

That stick thing couldn't have been fun...

Looks like your week got better after that...

Abby xxxooo

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Levi -

You really had a busy week. I (Hershey) love to eat sticks too. My older sister didn't do that. Schnauzers turn gray when they get older. Bosco (my older sister) was black when she was a puppy - then she turned a dark gray.

I like chasing bugs too. You are right humans are weird.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Jake of Florida said...

Pawsonally, I never ate a stick, but I did swallw a dime, that eventually came out the other end. The finest moment in my six years of pooping though was the time it came out PURPLE. Mom thought it was some of my internal organs that were coming out, and called the emergency vet. It turns out I had ingested some colored plastic wrap. I had an upset tummy for the few days it took to emerge, and that made mom even more crazy thinking about all the possibilities.

I guess we're just dogs, doing what comes naturally. But be careful, Levi -- it hurts coming out as you just learned!!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

That was some week! I'm so glad you lived through it lol.

Simba x

Pippa said...

That's an adventurous week.

My days are sleep, walk, eat, sleep, walk, eat, sleep, walk, sleep.

I'm not sure I could cope with your excitement.

River said...

You never know what food can come from 'above'. We know that it happens when my mom is in the kitchen--so we keep close. My mom thinks you look cute with the new do! I don't care one way or the other.

love & wags,

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Levi

I eat sticks all the time and My Bi-Peds aren't very happy about it ... especially when I sneak a big messy one into the house and they don't notice until I have made a really big mess!



Duke said...

Another busy week, Levi! What kind of treats did you get from the farmer's market?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

parlance said...

I know what you mean about stepping out of the special harness, Levi. Penny did it the last time I tried her on the Gentle Leader. It was scary, because we were on a busy road. I'll be more careful to fit it properly if we use it again.