
Welcome to The Levi and Cooper Chronicles. I'm the 'Cooper' and my baby brother is the 'Levi.' We're not siblings in the literal sense of the word. He's a miniature schnauzer and I'm a miniature poodle but our differences go far beyond our breed. You see, I'm the famous angel dog who blogs from the Rainbow Bridge. Well, not famous down on earth but up here in doggie heaven all canines get to do whatever we like and I like blogging. We dogaroons up here can also gaze down through the magic water under the bridge and keep tabs on our humans. Isn't that cool! After I discovered the magic water, I decided that little Levi---who got adopted into the family shortly after my departure from earth---could use a guardian angel. When he blogs he types in pink and when I put my two cents worth in I type in blue.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mom's Crocs and Other Family Secrets

Gosh, I wish I could still 'talk' to mom the way I used to do when I was on earth. I'd tell her: "Chill, Mom, chill. Levi will get it eventually." She's been struggling this week with the homework from puppy obedience class number four. Specifically, trying to teach the 'stand' and 'stay' commands. The technique of teaching the stand command starts with Levi being in a 'sit' position and then drawing him forward with a treat until he's standing. That part is working well but he's not connecting the word with the action. It's all about the treat for him and he would follow her to Alaska to get it.

One thing I'm learning up here in angel training is that yesterday's successes (or failures) don't matter, only the present counts. I wish I could tell Mom it doesn't matter that Levi was a shining success in past classes and that people there might have great expectations for his performance at the next class. (She can be a little competitive, you know.) It only matters that they are spending quality training time together, building a strong bond in the process.

That growing bond and the love that goes with it are good things for Levi because for the first time he ruined a material object---one of Mom's beloved Crocs shoes. She can still wear it but it's full of teeth marks. She didn't notice how badly he'd 'puppy stamped' it until yesterday when she was sitting along side of a nature trail that overlooks the backwaters of a river. She and dad were having a rare day with her brother, niece and her niece's husband when her niece wanted to try on her Crocs. As she handed them over and noticed the wide-spread damage Mom thought about how much of a puppy Levi still is. That some how made her feel less guilty that she didn't bring him along on their outing. He can still be unpredictable. (Important lesson to be learned here, Mom. Don't take off your Crocs. Wear them to bed, sleep and shower in them because they chew just like Kong rubber toys. Yummm good.)

On the nature trail Dad and Mom saw three families of tundra swans, several great blue heron, green heron, mallard ducks, two varieties of turtles sunning themselves, and a dozen other birds not normally seen by city dwellers. Levi would have wanted to chase them all, his puppy bark breaking the peacefulness of nature's masterpiece. Yup, as much as Mom suffers separation anxiety when she leaves Levi home it was a good thing common sense won out and she left him home on that hot summer day. With three other people along to push Dad's wheelchair, and no puppy to keep out of trouble, Mom got a much deserved day of bliss, void of worrying about the comforts of another being.

When they got back home, it was apparent that Levi faired just fine being left to his own devices for six hours, the longest he'd ever been left alone. The woodwork was tooth mark free, the table cloth was still in place, the decorative towels still hung on the oven door. The only things that Levi touched were the toys in his box. He'd obviously beat the crap out of them because they laid around the floor like dead soldiers on a battlefield.

When the forces of heaven matched Levi up to my family they did good. Happy six months birthday baby brother! ©

Painting by Robert Bateman


the many Bs said...

happy 6 months birthday, Levi! you are a good boy. keep working on your stay command. that's a hard one. you'll do good in dog school some days and some days you'll flounder. you're just a puppy, kiddo, don't expect too much from yourself.

your mom sounds like our mom - competitive. that's why she always wants to make us famous - the cute dog contest, etc. moms - what's a dog gonna do with them? hee hee


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Happy 6 months birthday,Levi! Hope you had lovely treats as pressies! I remember my dog school days too...Mom sometimes get so frustrated. Haha! I'm still in school(in my third level now),but when it comes to learning new things...patience is the key,says Mom.


Princess Patches said...

Happy 6 months birthday, Levi! We know you are keeping your peeple on their toes, but that's what puppies are supposed to do! Keep up the good work. We're sure Cooper is very proud!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Levi....

Cooper sure has a lot ta say about ya....he keeps such a watchful eye over ya and wonders if ya will fill the void he left when he went ta the bridge..I think yer doin' a pretty good job...happy 6 month birthday and may ya head ta the top of yer class there in obedience...ya were a good boy when yer Mom 'n Dad went out fer the day...it's nice that they had a good time.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Abby said...

Hi, Cooper & Levi...

Happy 6 Month Barkday, Levi...

I'm sure Levi's training will continue just fine...Some lessons are just a little harder than others...

Abby xxxooo

Dandy Duke said...

Happy 6 months birthday, Levi! You're doing just fine! You're going to grow up to be the best boy in the whole wide world! Tell your mom to give it just a wee bit more time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

parlance said...

Cooper, it's great that your mum gets to have the occasional day out without Levi. I know what she means about being on edge when a puppy is alone at home, but I guess we just have to remember that we are doing them a favor in teaching them to be independent. I've found that Penny usually just sleeps when we're out. (I know by the warm patch on my bed, if I forget to close the bedroom door.)